Selling a property is a complex process. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the number of decisions you have to make.
Top 3 Real Estate Agents is here to simplify your agent search journey.
Since 2012, we’ve helped over 10,000 Australians find agents. Simply request an appraisal from top agents in your area and we can get them in touch.
Best of all – our services are completely free to you, the seller.
We look forward to helping you on your property journey.
If we can assist in any way, do not hesitate to call our friendly Australian based team on 1300 66 555 7.

How Does It Work?
Compare Agents
We have collected sales statistics and reviews for real estate agents all around Australia.
Compare the agents in our lists and read up on their reviews, descriptions and statistics.
Once you are happy to speak with agents, just request an appraisal.
Choose Your Agents
Once your details are entered, we will contact you to find out more about your property, your needs, and any agents you would like to talk to.
We will give you an updated shortlist of agents with in-depth sales data, and only upon request, have these agents contact you.