Top 3 Real Estate Agents In Paynesville, VIC
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Best Real Estate Agents In Paynesville

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4.8 / 5.0

Based on sales history and collected reviews

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Lorraine is a fully Licensed Real Estate Agent and has worked in real estate for 24 years. Not many people can top the number of awards she has received. These include achieving the winner of the LJ Hooker Top Salesperson award numerous times. She is a Life Platinum Member of the LJ Hooker Multi Million Dollar Captains Club having surpassed the qualifying levels for nine consecutive years. This puts her in the top 7% of LJ Hooker’s International Sales network. Lorraine is dedicated to the industry and ready to assist you with buying or selling real estate.

According to our records Lorraine Edlington generally sells approximately 53 properties a year at an average price of $359,393 (at time of calculation). Lorraine Edlington appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

Scott commenced his career with King & Heath in 1998 after spending 9 years as a baker. After 18 years in the Paynesville branch Scott moved to the King & Heath office in Bairnsdale in early 2016 for a new challenge which he thrived on. He has now returned to the Paynesville office taking over as Branch Manager.

Scott is an honest & open communicator with sellers and genuinely cares in about his client’s best interests.

He has lived and worked in the East Gippsland area with his family since 1986 and outside the office enjoys his beloved veggie garden, getting away on the occasional fishing trip and camping with his family.

According to our records Scott Holland generally sells approximately 63 properties a year at an average price of $286,425 (at time of calculation). Scott Holland appears to specialise in selling Residential Lands in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

Deb’s ability to build trusted relationships with vendors and buyers alike sees clients returning again and again with repeat business and long term friendships. With over 12 years industry experience Deb’s dedication and strong work ethic makes her a true professional. Her quick wit and humour enable her clients to feel at ease, whilst she tirelessly works to achieve the best possible result.

When she’s not at the office Deb enjoys spending time with her family, playing with her grandchildren or getting away for the weekend with a group of friends.

According to our records Deborah Pearson generally sells approximately 64 properties a year at an average price of $389,217 (at time of calculation). Deborah Pearson appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

Having lived in the United States with his family since he was a child, Peter returned to Australia mid-2017 and fell in love with Paynesville and the surrounding East Gippsland area.

With a background in selling, marketing and manufacturing screen printing machinery in the family business, PJ brings a happy and positive energy to the Paynesville team.

His warm and friendly approach shines through when he is out and about meeting buyers and sellers. He demonstrates his natural communication abilities striving to ensure clients are satisfied with their service and treated with respect.

When he is not in the office he loves nothing better than getting out on the Gippsland Lakes enjoying various water sports, or socialising with his family and friends.

According to our records Peter May generally sells approximately 41 properties a year at an average price of $341,767 (at time of calculation). Peter May appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

Jack has been with King & Heath since 2014 and since joining the team has shown he is a committed and diligent salesperson. He creates a solid and lasting relationship with all of his clients and also ensures he gets the best possible price for his vendors.

Apart from the real estate industry, Jack also has an appetite for community service and is affiliated with several different volunteer and charity organisations.

In 2018 Jack was awarded the Young Citizen of the Year for East Gippsland as a result of his enthusiasm and leading force in revamping the Bairnsdale Show.

Born and raised in the small country town of Omeo, Jack has been a local to East Gippsland all his life. Having grown up in a small local community he was taught to help out those around him.

He has also been involved in many volunteer and charity organisations including the Union Lodge of North Gippsland, past involvement with the Bairnsdale Rotary Club and current strong ties with the Paynesville RSL.

According to our records Jack Peterson generally sells approximately 32 properties a year at an average price of $380,485 (at time of calculation). Jack Peterson appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

Bret Ward has extensive experience in the real estate industry and is the Principal of Bret Ward Real Estate, which has been operating since 2004. Prior to 2004, Bret worked in Metung as a real estate sales consultant.
Bret is a consistent out-performer and has sold a number of residential houses, land and small acreage properties in the East Gippsland area in his 18 years career in this industry. With his broad knowledge of our local area, along with his genuine nature, Bret is able to provide you with excellent communication and customer service.

Bret’s specializes in residential houses and land selling. His sales success is comprised of a number of sales in residential houses, land developments and subdivisions. Additionally Bret also specializes in selling unique homes and holds the highest-price real estate sales records in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

According to our records Bret Ward generally sells approximately 61 properties a year at an average price of $374,135 (at time of calculation). Bret Ward appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Eagle Point.

According to our records Joan Carter generally sells approximately 7 properties a year at an average price of $144,500 (at time of calculation). Joan Carter appears to specialise in selling Residential Lands in Paynesville and Newlands Arm.

After more than 10 years in real estate I’m extremely proud to open my own Real Estate agency, Beadle Real Estate.

“My driving passion is to ensure that my clients have the most fantastic experience when either buying or selling a property. With my wealth of

experience and knowledge, combined with a genuine passion for Real Estate and commitment on customer service, I will ensure that both buyers and

vendors will receive the highest levels of service delivery while never loosing focus on their personal and investment requirements”.

“I love matching clients to their home of choices and ensuring that the entire process is as seamless as possible”.

I understand all types of property choice from residential units and homes in the regions towns to small acre farm-lets and larger rural properties.

According to our records Wendy Beadle generally sells approximately 25 properties a year at an average price of $352,380 (at time of calculation). Wendy Beadle appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville and Raymond Island.

Owner of the company, Allan has more than 30 years experience in the real estate industry of which an excess of 25 years has been in the Gippsland Lakes area. Allan was born and raised in the area and is affiliated with many local community groups and sporting clubs.

According to our records Allan Rumble generally sells approximately 2 properties a year at an average price of $602,500 (at time of calculation). Allan Rumble appears to specialise in selling houses in Paynesville.

Michael Capes started with Bill Wyndham & Co in 1986 as a junior livestock salesman. Today Michael is the director and is a very experienced auctioneer and Livestock/Real Estate salesperson.

According to our records Michael Capes generally sells approximately 24 properties a year at an average price of $511,115 (at time of calculation). Michael Capes appears to specialise in selling houses in Bairnsdale and Nicholson.

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